--| |-- | Normally Open | |
![]() |
Normally Closed | |
![]() |
Leading Edge One-Shot | |
![]() |
Trailing Edge One-Shot | |
--|≥|-- | Greater-Than-or-Equal-To | |
--|=|-- | Equal-To | |
--|≤|-- | Less-Than-or-Equal-To | |
--|<|-- | Less-Than | |
--|≠|-- | Not-Equal-To | |
--|>|-- | Greater-Than | |
--|Δ|-- | Delta | |
![]() |
Leading Edge One-Shot on Power Flow | |
![]() |
Trailing Edge One-Shot on Power Flow | |
![]() |
Invert Power Flow | |
DEBOUNCE | Reduce Discrete Input Chatter | |
END | End Code Block | |
FLASHER | Cycle Output ON/OFF | |
INI | Immediate Discrete Input | |
ND | Trailing Edge One-Shot | |
NOP | Null Operation | |
OUT | Coil Write Bit | |
OUTI | Coil Out Immediate Bit | |
PD | Leading Edge One-Shot | |
PONOFF | Push On/Push Off | |
RST | Reset Bit | |
RSTI | Reset Immediate Bit | |
RSTR | Reset Range | |
SET | Coil Set Bit | |
SETI | Coil Set Immediate Bit | |
SETR | Set Range | |
SR | Shift Register | |
TIMEDOUT | Timed Output | |
ALDEV | Deviation Alarm | |
ALHILO | High/Low Alarm | |
ALRATE | Rate of Change Alarm | |
CLAMP | Limit Range | |
DEADBAND | Set Outside Deadband | |
FILTER | First Order Filter | |
INTEGRAT | Integrate Over Time | |
PID | Closed Loop Controller | |
PIDINIT | Set PID Tuning Constants | |
RAMPSOAK | Ramp Soak Profile | |
RANGECHECK | Value In/Out of Range | |
SCALE | Scale Value | |
SLOPE | Calculate Slope | |
TIMEPROP | Time Proportional Control | |
DLRX | DirectLOGIC Network Read | |
DLWX | DirectLOGIC Network Write | |
EIPMSG | Send EtherNet/IP Message | |
FTPGET | Retrieve File FROM Remote | |
FTPPUT | Store File TO Remote | |
GSREGRD | GS E-Drive Register Read | |
GSREGWR | GS E-Drive Register Write | |
HTTPCMD | HTTP Request / Response with server | |
JSONBUILD | Build JSON Record | |
JSONPARSE | Parse JSON Text | |
MQTTPUB | IoT Publish MQTT Topics | |
MQTTSUB | IoT Subscribe MQTT Topics | |
MRX | Modbus Network Read | |
MWX | Modbus Network Write | |
PEERLINK | Share Data w/PLCs | |
RX | Do-more Network Read | |
WX | Do-more Network Write | |
DT2EPOCH | Convert Date/Time to Epoch | |
DTCMP | Compare Date/Time | |
DTDIFF | Difference Between Two Dates/Times | |
DTOFFSET | Add Offset to Date/Time | |
EPOCH2DT | Convert Epoch to Date/Time | |
NETTIME | SNTP Client | |
SETTIME | Set PLC Date/Time | |
DMLOGGER | Broadcast String to DmLogger.exe | |
DNSLOOKUP | Name to IP Address | |
Send Email | ||
PING | Ping Ethernet Device | |
SETUPIP | Setup TCP/IP Parameters | |
SETUPNOD | Setup Ethernet Node Parameters | |
BACKUP | Create PLC Image File | |
FILECLOSE | Close File | |
FILECOPY | Copy File | |
FILEDEL | Delete File | |
FILELOG | Log to File | |
FILENEWFLDR | Make a New Folder | |
FILEOPEN | Open File | |
FILEQUERY | Query File or Folder Information | |
FILEREAD | Read from File | |
FILESEEK | Seek to Position in File | |
FILESYSCMD | Perform File System Command | |
FILETRUNC | Truncate File | |
FILEWRITE | Write to File | |
CLOSE | Close Device | |
DEVCLEAR | Clear Device | |
DEVREAD | Read to Device Register | |
DEVWRITE | Write to Device Register | |
HWINFO | Get Hardware Information | |
OPENDEV | Open Device | |
RD | Read from Intelligent Module | |
SETUPSER | Setup Serial Port | |
WT | Write to Intelligent Module | |
AXCAM | Axis Electronic Camming | |
AXCONFIG | Axis Configuration | |
AXFOLLOW | Axis Position Following with Offset | |
AXGEAR | Axis Electronic Gearing | |
AXHOME | Axis Perform Home Search | |
AXJOG | Axis Jog Mode | |
AXPOSSCRV | Axis Move to Position Using S-Cruve | |
AXPOSTRAP | Axis Move to Position Using Trapezoid | |
AXSCRIPT | Run a Sequence of Axis Commands | |
AXRSTFAULT | Reset Axis Limit Fault | |
AXSETPROP | Set Axis Properties | |
AXVEL | Axis Set Velocity Mode | |
PWMOUT | Pulse Width Modulated Output | |
TDODECFG | Deconfigure Table Driven Output | |
TDOPLS | Load Programmable Limit Switch Table | |
TDOPRESET | Load Preset Table for Table Driven Output | |
MATH | ||
DEC | Decrement | |
INC | Increment | |
LERP | Linear Interpolation | |
MATH | Calculate Expression | |
RANDSEED | Random Number Seed | |
BCDTO | BCD to Integer/Real | |
COPY | Copy Data | |
DATAINFO | Query Information about Data Memory | |
DECO | Decode to Set Bit | |
ENCO | Encode Bit Position | |
FIFOLOAD | Load First-In-First-Out | |
FIFORESET | Reset FIFO Queue | |
FIFOUNLOAD | Unload First-In-First-Out | |
GRAY | Gray Code to Integer | |
INIT | Initialize Data | |
ISCLEAR | Is Structure Cleared | |
LIFOLOAD | Load Last-In-First-Out | |
LIFORESET | Reset LIFO Queue | |
LIFOUNLOAD | Unload Last-In-First-Out | |
MEMCLEAR | Clear Memory | |
MEMCOPY | Copy Memory Range | |
MOVE | Move Value | |
MOVEBIT | Move Single Bit | |
MOVER | Move Range of Values | |
PUBLISH | Translate from Do-more | |
REFWRITE | Write Value Indirectly | |
ROTL | Rotate Left | |
ROTR | Rotate Right | |
SEG | Hex/BCD to 7 Segment Display | |
SETNUMBER | Set Numeric Range | |
SUBSCRIB | Translate to Do-more | |
SUMBITS | Sum Bits | |
SWAPB | Swap Bytes | |
TOBCD | Integer/Real to BCD | |
CALL | Call Subroutine | |
ENDC | Conditional End of Code-Block | |
ENTASK | Enable Task | |
EXIT | Exit this program | |
GOTO | Go to Label | |
HALT | Halt program or Task | |
INTCONFIG | Configure Interrupts | |
INTDECONFIG | Deconfigure Interrupts | |
INTRESUME | Resume Interrupts | |
INTSUSPEND | Suspend Interrupts | |
JMP | Jump to Stage | |
JMPI | Indexed Jump | |
LABEL | Program Label | |
REBOOT | Reboot PLC | |
RESTART | Restart Program or Task | |
RET | Return Back to CALL | |
RETC | Conditional Return Back to CALL | |
RUN | Run Program | |
SG | Stage | |
SGCONFIG | Converge Multiple Stages to SG | |
SGDIVRG | Jump to Multiple Stages | |
SGRST | Disable Stage | |
SGRSTI | Indexed Disabled Stage | |
SGRSTR | Disable Range of Stages | |
SGSET | Enable Stage | |
SGSETI | Indexed Enable Stage | |
STOP | Switch to Program Mode | |
SUSPEND | Suspend Program or Task | |
WATCHDOG | Force Watchdog Error | |
YIELD | Yield Program or Task | |
BREAK | Exit Loop | |
CONTINUE | Skip to Loop End | |
FOR | Index Loop | |
NEXT | Index by Step | |
REPEAT | Loop Unitl Condition is Non-Zero | |
UNTIL | Repeat Until Condition is Non-Zero | |
WEND | While End | |
WHILE | Loop with While Condition is Non-Zero | |
CHECKSUM | CheckSum Algorithm | |
OPENTCP | Open TCP Connection | |
PACKETIN | Input Data from Packet Device | |
PACKETOUT | Output Data from Packet Device | |
STREAMIN | Stream in Data from Device | |
STREAMOUT | Stream Out Data to Device | |
TCPLISTEN | Start Listening on TCP port | |
STR2INT | Convert String to Integer | |
STR2REAL | Convert String to Real | |
STRCASE | Covert String to Upper/Lower Case | |
STRCLEAR | Clear Strings | |
STRCMP | String Compare | |
STRCOPY | Copy String | |
STRCOPYR | Copy Range of Strings | |
STRDELETE | Delete Substring | |
STRFIND | Find within a String | |
STRGETB | Get Bytes out of String | |
STRINSERT | Insert Substring | |
STRPRINT | Print a String | |
STRPUTB | Put Bytes into a String | |
STRSUB | Get Sub-String | |
STRTRIM | Trim Whitespace | |
STRTRUNC | Set String Length | |
CNT | Up Counter | |
CNTDN | Down Counter | |
COMMON_TIMER | All Timer Types | |
DRUM | Timed/Event/Timed-Event Drum | |
FREQCNT | Frequency Counter | |
FREQTMR | Frequency Timer | |
OFFDTMR | Off Delay Timer | |
ONDTMR | On Delay Timer | |
RSTCT | Reset Counter | |
RSTT | Reset Timer | |
TMR | Timer | |
TMRA | Accumulating Timer | |
TMRADOWN | Accumulating Down Timer | |
TMRAG | Global Accumulating Timer | |
TMRDOWN | Down Timer | |
UDC | Up/Down Counter | |
UDCG | Global Up/Down Counter |
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