Slot option intelligent module preloaded with Node.js Webserver and Node-RED® for Flow based programming
(See the release notes in the SW for a complete list):
Added support for the new Remote PLC Mobile App which allows users to view and edit PLC Registers and view PLC status from an iOS or Android mobile device.
(See the release notes in the SW for a complete list):
The Secure Email feature uses TLS encryption and is capable of sending emails with dynamic values to multiple recipients.
The Allow List can be used to only allow communication with approved devices.
The Event Record will log all password attempts, Allow List rejections, and email activity.
Note: CLICK Ethernet PLCs also support the Allow List and the Event Record (minus the email log).
Easily control up to 3-axis of motion using the new PTO or PWM functionality of the CLICK PLUS PLCs (CPU and DC-capable option module placed in slot 0 required). Setup is easy with the configuration GUI and three new instructions are available (Home, Velocity Move, and Position Move) to build custom motion profiles.
The CLICK PLUS option modules provide numerous I/O configurations to exactly match your application and can be changed as your needs change.
The C2-DCM has two RS-232/RS-485 ports and supports Modbus RTU and ASCII
Send ASCII Instruction that selects one of two possible text messages to output, based on the value of a discrete Memory Address
With Version 3.0, all CLICK PLC's with Ethernet/WLAN ship from the factory with a default password. The first time a user connects to the PLC, they will be required to input the default password (click).
A new password will have to be configured in a project before it can be uploaded to the PLC.
Not required for Click C0-0*CPU Series PLC's (serial models)
Each time the CLICK programming software is connected to a PLC, the new password will be required to read or write project data to the PLC. Passwords are stored with the software project and can be edited using the programming software.
The only way to clear a password from the PLC is to reset factory defaults. This results in the project being erased from the PLC and the password defaulting back to "click".
The CLICK Programming Software now features an updated Ribbon User Interface, which can replace the Main Menu and Toolbars of the Classic interface. The Ribbon UI is intended to make navigation easier and more efficient.
The new CLICK PLUS CPU's introduce some impressive features to the CLICK PLC line up that will allow you to expand into more demanding applications for control.
Added support for New CLICK High-current relay modules and Input Simulator Module
The new relay modules utilize Form A (SPST) relays for use in high-current circuits up to 10A. The input simullator module suppies 8 manually-operated toggle switch inputs for testing or simulation purposes.
The CLICK Ethernet PLC's now supports up to 8 PID control loops executing every 100ms. The simple PID Configuration tool saves you time
by doing most of the
work for you:
PID Loop configuration of a connected CLICK PLC.
The CLICK Ethernet PLC models now support the EtherNet/IP as an (Adapter Server) device. This allows the CLICK PLC and its I/O to be controlled by an EtherNet/IP Scanner (Client). Take advantage of the low cost CLICK PLC I/O selection for your application needs with fast and easy configuration to your existing network.
The Copy Instruction offers the ability for data manipulation when communicating to other devices. Improvements have been made to this instruction that will increase the ability for users to work with data from both Modbus and EtherNet/IP devices.
Improvements include:
High-speed input functions including pulse counting and frequency measurements are made simple with the user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). Simply choose the desired high-speed function and the interface will guide you through the available features and options.
These new models support "Run time edits" and include one Ethernet port, one RS-232 serial port, and one RS-485 serial port, four discrete input and four discrete output points, up to 6 analog I/O channels, a battery back-up, and calendar/clock.
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