Communicating with the L7C & L7P Servo System from LS Electric via Modbus RTU is super quick and easy. Watch this video to get up to speed quickly!
Note: This video uses an L7C servo, but the information/procedures shown are also applicable to L7P servos.
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?Communicating with the LS Electric L7C Servo via Modbus RTU is easy because the protocol is fixed at 8 bits, no parity and one stop bit. So, all you have to do is select the baud rate, set the node address and wire it up! One caution. The manual tells you not to use the optional terminal block to connect your communications and that you should connect your serial network directly to the I/O connector on the drive. I’m going to qualify that and tell you it’s ok to use this terminal block if you use one of the slower baud rates. And that’s exactly what we are going to do in this video. We will use the optional terminal block because it makes wiring so easy, but even though the drive can handle up to 57k baud, we’ll use 9600 baud to ensure reliable communications and because nothing we do in this video will require fast coms. If you want to connect directly to the I/O connector, you can use either the handy solder connector or the flying lead cable. I love that the flying lead cable comes with each wire prelabeled with a heat shrink tubing which you can shrink onto the wire or remove if you aren’t going to use it. And we’ll need to set the PLC to use the same protocol and baud rate. The node ID just has to be unique on your serial network. It can be any number between 1 and 99 on this drive. Let’s use a node ID of 2. The PLC doesn’t have a node address because it is the master and you can only have one master on a Modbus RTU network. Finally, we need to wire up our serial connection. The LS Electric L7C drive has an RS-422 port which is great because it can transmit and receive at the same time giving us full duplex operation. But, the BRX PLC I’m using has an RS-485 port which can only transmit or receive – it can’t do both at the same time. So how do we wire this up? Easy, just connect it like this. So, messages sent from the PLC go this way and responses go this way. Of course, you want to use a good cable with twisted pairs, and a shield. The terminal block’s cable is shielded but there's no shield connection on the terminal block, so make sure you connect the cable’s shield to the PLC’s chassis ground only. Don’t force a connection here – that will create a path for current to flow which can actually create electrical interference inside the cable. It’s also important to get a common communications ground between the devices – especially over long runs. But this is differential pair so in theory I shouldn’t need a ground, right? Yeah, in theory. But in the real world where you could have one system operating relative to one ground potential and another system - possibly in another building - operating relative to a different ground potential, while the differential voltages are the same, the absolute incoming voltages appear way above what the electronics can handle, so they burn up. Attaching a common ground strap between the systems ensures they are both operating relative to the same ground and you don’t burn up your electronics. Adding a common communications ground is a really good design practice and inexpensive insurance. I’m using this cable from AutomationDirect which has a single twisted pair, plus a ground, plus a shield. Exactly what we want. And remember – you can order cable from AutomationDirect in exactly the length you need so you don’t waste money on excess cable and there are never any cut charges, so it costs you nothing to do it! And since shipping is free on any order over 49 bucks, if you need cable, be sure to head over to In the drive CM software, you’ll find the baud rate under the index tab. We’ll set that to zero which is 9600 baud – and under the basic tab, you’ll find the node ID. We’ll change that to a 2. Remember: The parameters don’t actually get sent to the drive until you hit enter and you see the color change – it’s easy to forget to do that. And don’t forget to power cycle the drive – or reset the controller – after changing the node ID. That’s really important. OK, the servo drive is ready to go and I’ve already done the wiring. There are other videos showing you how to configure the BRX PLC for Modbus RTU, but in a nutshell, you just go to the system configuration, you want the Modbus RTU client or master and you want to configure the port for RS485. You will normally want to use a termination resistor, though in this demo with short cables and low baud rates that really isn’t necessary. Click this guy to set the baud rate and protocol to match the drive which you can see I’ve already done. That’s it, the BRX PLC is now Modbus RTU ready. Let’s do a simple example. I’ve set this up so that when we toggle this C bit, the PLC will use the serial Modbus port to read a holding register, at this Modbus address, of a L7C drive at this node address and it will put the result in memory location D110. What drive parameter is that? Here’s the trick. If you go to Chapter 15.4 of the user manual, you’ll find tables of all the drive parameters and associated Modbus addresses. Be careful – it’s tempting to look at this and say “Cool! The Modbus address is the parameter number.” That’s only true for the first few entries of each table. If you scroll the table down, you will see they diverge. Why? Because some parameters use more than one 16-bit address. Parameter 2002 for example needs 32 bits so it uses two Modbus addresses, so the next parameter starts at the next available address. So that’s Tip No. 1. Find your parameter number here, then look up the associated Modbus address over here in either hex or decimal. Don’t assume the Modbus address is the same as the parameter number, even though sometimes it will be. Some PLCs require that you add one to the address and that is the case with this BRX PLC. So the L7C Modbus address is really 9792. If I scroll down to find that Modbus address, I see that is parameter 262A which is the actual position of the servo motor. And I can see here or here that it requires two 16-bit registers, so over here I need a 2. So Tip No. 2 is some PLCs will require you to add 1 to the Modbus address, and Tip No. 3 is you need to look at the parameter and see how many 16-bit words it will need. I’ve already sent this program to the PLC and the PLC is running. So, if I manually toggle the C bit, sure enough the Modbus read returns the actual position of the motor. If I rotate the motor roughly one full revolution and toggle the C bit again, yep roughly 100,000 pulses – exactly what we expect. One thing you need to be aware of when you do Modbus writes. By default, Modbus writes go to volatile memory – so anything written via Modbus RTU will not be permanent – that is, it won’t be there if you power cycle the drive. If you want the written values to be permanent, then write a one to Parameter 240E, but be careful – non-volatile memory has a limited number of writes – maybe in the hundreds of thousands. It’s almost impossible to use that up when entering parameters by hand. But if you put a Modbus write in a loop, you could burn up all those available writes really fast when sending parameter changes. So make sure you only enable permanent writes when actually need it. Given all of that you can now issue Modbus reads and writes till your hearts content. Now that you know the basics, go to the drive’s page at and scroll down to find examples for AutomationDirect’s PLCs. They show you how to do all of the different kinds of Modbus commands and even show you how to set up a simple polling loop. Meanwhile, click here to learn more about the L7C Servo Systems. Click here to learn about AutomationDirect’s free award-winning support options and click here to subscribe to this YouTube channel and hit the little bell icon so you will be notified when we publish new videos like this one.
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