Quickly get your AutomationDirect DURApulse GS10 running with your Permanent Magnet AC Motor.
Permanent Magnet AC motors such as the Marathon Symax series offer some great benefits. Permanent magnet AC motors provide much better variable speed torque and power at lower speeds, have higher power rating in smaller sizes and are much more efficient, especially at reduced speeds. But they do require a VFD that is compatible with them and a slight bit more set up in the drive. The GS10 and GS20 drives from AutomationDirect are made to handle these motors. The user manual has a great section for some specific applications such as this. The section for the PMAC motor setup is a simple step-by-step guide which we’ll follow here. Here’s the control explained if you wish to get into that sort of detail. We’ll skip that in favor of getting running. The first item to set is the type of motor in Parameter 5.33. The Symax motors are IPM so I’ll pick Number 2. Next, set P1.01 to the rated frequency and P1.02 to the rated voltage. Now we go to Group 5 and set the motor FLA in 5.34, power in kW in 5.35, speed in 5.36 and number of poles in 5.37. Next, we need to run tuning. Option 5, rotary tuning is the preferred option. This will run for a few seconds or a few minutes, depending on your motor and other factors. Be sure there is no load connected. Once tuning has finished the drive will calculate stator resistance, Ld, Lq, and Ke of the motor. You can view or adjust these in Parameters 5.39, 40, 41, and 43. We won't get into the manual adjustment of these parameters Lastly, set the speed control mode to sensorless vector by setting Parameter 0.11 to a 2. This is the only mode that supports permanent magnet AC motors. Now we just need to cycle power to the drive and then we can run. I’ve left the control in the default state so the run and stop buttons will run the drive and the arrow keys will set the speed. Our PMAC is now up and running. The GS10 family of drives have an awesome feature set normally reserved for much more expensive drives. Fortunately, we have a huge step-by-step video tutorial for this drive that will help you get up and running quickly with those features. Many of the GS20 videos will work on the GS10 as well. AutomationDirect is providing the products and support you need to make us your common- sense way to buy industrial controls. If you need more help, please see our tech support options here. To see all GS10 drive videos, click here. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel for upcoming products and solutions.
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