The C-more HMI (human machine interface) is one of the best values in industrial HMI. Not only do you get competitive pricing but the ease of setup and use will save you even more.
In this video, it is detailed how to quickly import your Do-more PLC project tags from your Do-more Designer Software into your C-more HMI Touch panel.
This video is part of the C-more setup videos that give direction on how to import tags from different platforms into the C-more Industrial HMI software. These are quick and easy HMI Programming tutorials that help you to integrate your control system.
The C-more HMI will allow you to fully integrate Do-more project tags. Open your Do-more Designer Software project. Before we begin the export process, let’s discuss the addressing in Do-more. Here in the Documentation Editor, you can see a collection of different memory types, that I am using in this project. Make sure to note the Nickname column, as this will be important later when we discuss the export options. In Do-more you have two main types of memory, Built-in Addressing and Structures. The built-in addressing includes your typical inputs, outputs, internal coils and other addressing. Then there are the structures, which are a collection of tags that relate to a single process and are heaped together for organization. For example, a PID structure has the following members. These members can be of different data types. With the versatility of this addressing in Do-more it leads to different options for exporting to C-more. To start exporting your tags go to File, Export and then Element Documentation. There are six options for exporting your PLC addresses that then can be imported into C-more. All of them involve these options here. The first export option will be by selecting this. This export option will include any built-in address or structure element that has a nickname assigned to it. If we go back to the element documentation, with this option, only these will be exported. The second option will export all the addresses as in option 1 but will also add any address used in the ladder code, even though they do not have a nickname assigned to it. This goes for built-in addresses or elements of a structure. These used tags without a nickname will show up as the name of the address in the C-more import. For example, C2 will display as C2. With option 2 these will be the addresses that export. With these first two options you will use the standard driver in C-more and with the rest of the options you will use the Do-more symbolic driver in C-more. The third option will export any address that has a nickname. This includes built-in addresses, members of a structure or the full structure, as long as they have a nickname. The fourth option includes everything in option 3 but also adds any address that is used in the ladder logic. As with option 2 any address without a nickname will be imported to the C-more with the name of that address. So, X0 will be imported to C-more as X0. The fifth option will export any of the nicknamed built-in addresses, or members of a structure, but will only export the nicknamed full structures that are used in the ladder logic. The final option will export everything from option 5 but also add any used elements to the export. These options really let you optimize the amount of traffic that will be passed between the C-more and Do-more. All the options will export the nicknamed built-in addressing or the nicknamed individual elements of a structure. The big difference is if you want to include the addressing used in ladder logic or complete structures with nicknames. The most complete option is export option 4. So, for this example I will continue on using option 4. I will name my file and then save it. Open the C-more software and you will see this start up wizard. Name your Project, select your panel type, and under PLC Protocol you will see these four options. If you exported using option 1 or 2, from Do-more, you will use the standard driver. If you exported using 3 thru 6, you will use the symbolic driver. Since I am using option 4 and communicating over ethernet I will use this symbolic ethernet driver. Click here on Protocol setup and define the IP address of the Do-more CPU here. For the most part these defaults will work for most systems. Once you are done click OK and OK once again. That starts your project, now to import the tags. There is two ways you can go about this. You can go to File, Import and then Tag Name Database or open up Tag Name Database from here and select Import. Select the file that we created earlier. Select the device that you are connecting these tags with. If you want to append the tags with text, place that here. If you would like to overwrite the existing tags, select this option. Once you have those options setup, select to Import. My tags successfully imported, and I can see them now in my tag database. You can also select here and use the filter to display only the tags for this device. Now, that everything is imported, make sure to setup the IP address of the C-more. By selecting here on Ethernet Port and enter the IP Address info. Once that is done, send the project to the panel and start building you control screens. And now you can integrate your C-more with the power and versatility of Do-more. If you have any questions on the C-more line, please comment below or call into our Free Technical Support department. To see more videos on the C-more line select here. And make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more upcoming products and solutions.
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