- This video gives basic information on Using the INTCONFIG "Configure Interrupts" instruction in the Do-more Designer software. It presents information that is commonly missed by users. This WILL NOT be a complete tutorial for the instruction but rather a supplement to the help file and customer experience.
** Software Version used in this video: Do-more Designer 2.0.3
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This instruction is used to configure an Interrupt trigger that then will call an associated interrupt service routine. This instruction can only be used with a BRX style CPU, and will not work with the H2 or T1H series Do-more CPUS. With the BRX CPu you can configure these interrupts via the System configuration or by this instruction. Now, If the Interrupt Trigger was created using the System Configuration, be aware this instruction DOES NOT change that configuration permanently, but rather it temporarily overwrites that configuration and will return to that defined in system configuration after a PROGRAM to RUN mode transition. One advantage in using this instruction instead of the System configuration is that this instruction allows for use of variables or constants, whereas the System configuration will only allow for constants. There can be up to 4 input event triggers, 4 Timer triggers, and 4 Match Registers triggers configured at any given time. Each of these triggers will require a separate instruction.
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