- The DURApulse GS30 AC drives from AutomationDirect are full-featured yet easy-to-work-with drives. In the previous video, we looked at setting up the drive and running from the keypad. Now, we’ll wire in some controls. Everything we’re doing in this video applies to the GS10 or GS20 drives as well; even the parameter numbers are the same.
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The DURApulse GS30 AC drives from AutomationDirect are full-featured yet easy-to-work-with drives. In the previous video, we looked at setting up the drive and running from the keypad. Now, we’ll wire in some controls. Everything we’re doing in this video applies to the GS10 or GS20 drives as well, even the parameter numbers are the same. First, we’ll connect a pot for speed control. The pot gives us 0-10V input so this would be pretty much the same as wiring a process signal. The pot ends connect to ACM and +10V and the sweeper connects to AI1. If you were just wiring a 0-10V process signal you’d typically just connect ACM and AI1. Next, let's connect a simple on-off switch. This is wired between DCM and DI1. This is referred to as 2-wire control since we want the drive to run as long as the switch is in the on position and stop when we turn it off. While we’re using a switch here this could be any sort of contact like a PLC output, a float switch, or whatever. Now let’s look at the programming. Like the other DuraPulse drives, these can operate in local mode or remote mode. These are also described as hand and auto modes. The default operating mode is remote or auto so we’ll just be working with that at the moment, we’ll discuss switching modes and using Local mode later in the video. P02.00 sets two wire operation. By default, this is set to 2 wire with DI1 for forward. So we don’t need to change that. For speed, we just need to set P00.20 auto mode frequency source to a 2 to use an analog input. Analog input 1 which we’re using is assigned a function in P03.00 but that’s already defaulted to frequency command so it’s not necessary to change. For the run signal, we'll set P00.21 auto operation command to 1 for external terminal, and since P2.00 already assigned DI1 as run forward there’s no further setup required. So really, we only changed 0.20 and 0.21 from default. Let’s test that. Switch to on and we can see the run indication on the drive and the pot controls the speed. Exactly what we wanted. Now, let's get into local remote control. Often it's desirable to have 2 different ways to run the drive. The most common is some sort of local option in case there is a failure of the auto or remote run or speed signal. Your actual remote signal may be a plc or some other controller and you may choose to add a switch for local operation. For this demonstration, I’ll use this hand-off auto switch and these start/stop pushbuttons with the speed pot for remote operation and the keypad for local. I’ve got all these wired up as shown and I’ll do a factory reset to ensure all my previous settings are cleared. Parameter 00.29 is defaulted to 0, standard HOA. This allows me to use digital inputs for hand and auto selection. Then we’ll set P0.20 remote frequency source to 2 for analog input and P0.21 remote command source to 1 for external terminal, which is a digital input I’ll set next. For the digital inputs, I’ll set P02.00 to 3, 3-wire mode, which is required for start/stop pushbuttons which automatically assigns DI1 to run and DI3 to stop. We tell the drive to use the inputs I’ve wired to for hand and auto by setting P2.06 to 41 for hand and 2.07 to 42 for Auto. And lastly, we’re using the default on P03.00 which assigns AI1 to frequency command. We don’t have to set the local sources since by default these are already assigned to the keypad. We switch to auto and we can see the start button runs the drive, the pot controls the speed, and stop stops the motor. In hand, we can see the control on the keypad for run and speed. And switched to off the drive will not start. Now, I could have used a single input as remote selection with that input set to 56 but that does not have a provision for the off position to prevent the drive from running. But that would be valid if you only used a 2-position local remote switch. AutomationDirect is providing the products and support you need to make us your common sense way to buy industrial controls. To see all GS30 drive videos click here. To buy drives for your applications click here. For more help see our award winning support options here.
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