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A brief look at why the SureServo2 system is such an incredible value and why it is the best value in servo systems for your application. High end features, low end price, super simple to setup and use!
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the sureservo2 system from automationdirect is a tremendous value because it has high-end features at a low-end price and even though it has high-end features it's super simple to set up and use you can have a basic step and direction system up and running out of the box in minutes there's even a quick start video to walk you through it you can see just how compact this sureservo 2 drive is when we hold it side by side with the previous generation that saves you space in your cabinet which saves you even more money the sureservo 2 drives run on single phase 110 or 220 through 2 kilowatts with three phase 220 drives through 15 kilowatts and those drives work with an even wider range of motors starting at just 100 watts and the one kilowatt motor even has a low and a medium inertia version all of which makes the sureservo 2 system ideal for your low to mid power servo applications the 3.1 kilohertz bandwidth ensures your system will be quick and responsive the ultra high resolution encoder gives you over 16 million pulses per revolution for extra precise positioning and the high speed 5 microsecond i o gives capture and compare operations the agility you need the wide bandwidth also makes auto tune super accurate and reliable and auto tune is easy to do because the free sureservo 2 pro software walks you through a quick three-step automatic tuning process which saves you the headaches and possible instabilities of tuning manually that free software is amazing you just connect to the drive via a usb cable there's no need for special single purpose expensive programming cables there's even an opto isolator that comes with the usb cable so you don't have to worry about emi from your pc interfering with your system once connected you can view the servo information which highlights a key feature the sureservo2 recognizes which mode is connected and automatically configures itself for that motor which saves you the time and frustration of manually doing it yourself you then select the mode you want to operate in and then start tweaking the system settings just by clicking on the item you want to adjust everything is laid out for you in a nice clean graphical manner making it easy to visualize what's going on and that includes things like electronic gearing which makes matching the sureservo2 system to whatever your application requires super quick and easy i love the built-in oscope function it gives you real-time access to all the important system functions so you can see at a glance what's going on which is a huge help in understanding and debugging your application of course you can view and modify all parameters groups of parameters and even create your own custom parameter groups you can view alarm information and even see all of the possible led displays in real time at the same time there's an extensive set of tools for tuning and system analysis including an inertia estimator which helps you get your system stable and running reliably the position register mode editor makes creating your own motion super quick and easy you just click on the options you want for each motion control statement the software calls those paths and with up to 99 possible paths the sureservo2 system is great for the simplest or even more complicated applications and since the drive is doing all of the heavy lifting you can use a simple plc a controller or even just a simple switch to control the drive the sureservo2 system also supports speed modes and torque modes which is perfect for those times when accurately maintaining constant speed or torque is critical the built-in electronic camming uses easy-to-understand graphical representations to make short work of setting up things like rotary shear and flying sheer applications and the built-in high-speed capture ensures that your system can easily handle indexing and registration it's really hard to believe that this comprehensive configuration software is completely free just go to the website and search for sureservo2 pro to download your free copy today of course being able to communicate with the drive is just as important as making it do something so every sure servo2 drive has modbus rtu via rs485 built in for cost-effective communications and you can add modbus tcp and ethernet ip with optional expansion modules the sureservo 2 pro software even allows you to load save and create your own ethernet ip electronic datasheet files which helps you automate and simplify connecting the sur server 2 drive to your controller the sureservo2 system even has a battery backup option so you can use absolute positioning that records motor position and movement even when the drive's power is removed add in things like tuv certified safe torque off free tech support free cad models a huge library of free tutorial videos to help you get up and running quickly free documentation in stock parts ready for fast free 2-day delivery a 30-day no questions asked money-back guarantee and a 2-year warranty will you quickly see why the sureservo2 system is such a tremendous value click here to learn more about the sureservo 2 and to find more tutorial videos click here to subscribe to our youtube channel to be notified when we publish new videos and click here to learn about automationdirect's free award winning support options you
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