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Getting Started
Part 4, Save and Compile Project.
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[Music] okay you've downloaded and installed the click PLC programming software became familiar with the software's look and feel and even programmed a simple project what's next in this video we'll show you how to check your project for airs and also how to save it to your PC's hard [Music] drive [Music] checking your latter logic project for erors is referred to as syntax checking basically the latter logic code you have programmed is compiled into data that is scanned by the CPU during compiling the project is checked for problems and other conditions that may prevent the result from executing properly in the CPU the s syntax check is initiated from either the program pull down menu by clicking on syntax check as shown here or by clicking on the syntax check icon located on the program toolbar or simply pressing the f8 function key on your keyboard the results of the syntax check are displayed in an output window at the bottom of the software's main window as shown here if everything in the program checks out correctly then zero errors will be shown in the output window if there are errors they will be indicated in the output window also for quicker troubleshooting the user can double click on any particular error in the output window and be taken directly to the wrong an instruction that may be causing the problem although it is always good practice to save your project as it is being developed it is also important to save your project after it has been compiled and corrected for errors from the file pull down menu select save project as shown here or click on the save project icon located on the file toolbar enter the file name for your project in the save as dialogue box you can also browse to a specific folder or create a new folder in which you want the project saved click save when ready that completes compiling and saving our project and the next video on this series we will apply power to the click PLC in order to get it ready to accept the project we have created until next time have a great [Music] day
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